Thursday, June 18, 2015

No respect

"Khatibul Umam Wiranu, a member of the Democratic Party, accused Lukman of trying to curry popular support through the media through statements like his call for mutual respect."

Maybe Khatibul should learn that Lukman is the Religious Minister of Indonesia, and hence there for all religions, and not a spokesman for ISLAM only

This accusation tells us why education is so important and how the Indonesian government has thoroughly failed to create an education system that produces Indonesians who are religious while being respectful of other people 

please note that tolerance and education are considered bad words in Indonesia. Keep the "dumb" masses at present level....

But it becomes better:

“Why should the majority respect the minority?” Ali Badri Zaini stated

THAT is exactly the mentality to ultimately leads to war and mayhem

And Ali Badri Zaini continued:

“When Muslims are fasting, it’s customary for followers of other religions or for Muslims who are not fasting to pay them their due respect.”

CUSTOMARY does not mean 'must' and as for showing respect, this must be a two way thing. Muslims MUST respect the right of people not to fast, for if they don't then not only does that represent intolerance, but also infringes on people's human rights. Fast if you will as that is your choice but do not insist that others follow suit. In the UK, 95% of the population will not fast as they are not Muslims, but none of them will insist that Muslims follow suit. Muslims need to learn and understand that respect is a two sided coin which means they have to drag themselves into the 21st century and learn to live with it.

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