Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Muslim mob rule?

A church got smashed up by the FPI, The pastor got arrested while not one of the FPI members got touched by the Police and a Youtube Video about this incident has been removed due to 'shocking or disgusting content' - Says it all really.

This video was proof of the disgusting Muslim mob rule that is extending across the archipelago.

Indonesia is going to become a VERY dangerous place.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Democracy nearly dead

Indonesia is moving towards a theocratic Muslim state. Democracy is nearly dead - even before it had a chance to live. Why?

Because the majority of people in Indonesia are Muslims - they belong to a totalitarian religion.

Indonesia will soon become another failed Muslim state under an oppressive regime.

It would be interesting to ask SBY if he really believes democracy is suitable for Indonesians. Or ask any other politicians. I am convinced they nearly all have reservations.

The bottom line is this - you have here a society based on submission. What you need is a society based on partnership - which implies equality and respect for human rights based on natural law.

Not much chance of that in Indonesia sadly.