Monday, March 18, 2013

Islam is not a culture, it is a religion

The average young Indonesians cannot differentiate between Islam as a religion and the Arabic culture as a culture of its own and vice versa.

The rich Indonesian culture dated back way before Islam was even born in the Arabian peninsula.

So why would the innocent young Indonesians be easily manipulated by religious fundamentalists to adopt otherwise a culture so foreign to the average Indonesians.

The younger generation has no room to be ashamed of the rich Indonesian culture brought forward by their forefathers. Islam is not a culture, it is a religion.

It looks like the fanatics are trying to persuade the young innocent Indonesians that the influence of Western culture in this day and age is downright haram. Then how come ignorant Muslims are killing each other in the name of what....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Boring Paradise

I find it odd that Islam is a religion that is so opposed to sex, alcohol in this life -

Yet in 'paradise' the reward is unlimited sex with perpetual virgins and boys, alcohol that does not make you drunk and non stop food.

But you never see God or experience judgement.

Mmmmmmm! sound very boring to me - almost a 'man made' version of 'paradise'. Well, if that's 'paradise/heaven' - I don't want to go there. It sounds boring to me.

Besides it sounds too much like something the ancient Greeks said. "What do the gods do when they want to destroy a man? They give him all the pleasure he wants."

But then again, Greek philosophy and the use of reason is something the Muslims made sure they rejected.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Indonesia's New Criminal Code

Indonesia gets a truly great revised Criminal Code. I like especially the part about black magic and any other kind of witchcraft (only if it can be proven ot be a fact of course) which indeed should be severely prosecuted but also that white magic is seen as a legal activity. Apart of course of controlling other serious social and moral troubles as for example cohabiting couples and their dirty offspring (truly disgusting isn't it?)

The government is screwing up Soekarno's splendid vision of Pancasila, turning it into a distorted religious manifesto.
The same as they screwed up religious freedom by mandating that you MUST belong to one of only 6 religions.

When will this country's so-called 'leaders' understand that mandating morality to conform with their primitive views will not only never work, but is the hallmark of all autocratic theocracies?

I think it's an important and major step forward into the 7th century (oops ... I meant to write 21st century but somehow something's wrong there).