Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inhuman behavior 'in the name of God'

Most question addressed to the Muslim community are secondary questions. THE question that needs to be put before Muslims is this: Did God really reveal to the Prophet his directive to use violence against those who do not accept Islam?

Or was this simply politically expediency on the part of those who - over generations - formulated the Koran in the final form we have it today - dating from the 9th Century?

SOME Muslim scholars ARE asking this question - one did recently in Lebabon (2004) and his students threw him out the window. For blasphemy of course!

Muslims are violent because their book allows them to be violent. But who wrote the book?

The convenient answer is that the Angel Gabriel 'revealed' it to the prophet.

Well, it's a convenient story and excuses all kinds of inhuman behavior 'in the name of God' and allows people to 'righteously' deal with 'infidels'. And to do so - you simply put reason aside.

Muslims need to be asked some awkward questions. For Islam's sake.

STOP romanticising Arabs

Indonesian Muslims as a whole should STOP romanticising Arabs and get with the facts that it is the Arabs and not Israelis who are disrespecting and harming their countrymen, and do something about it! 

Just because the Prophet Muhammad was an Arab doesn't mean his fellow Arabs are angels and deserve to be put on a pedestal and worship! 

In fact their behavior should be even MORE scrutinised! And if they do scrutinise at all, chances are they will realize that today's Arabs fall way too short of Qua-ran standards of good behavior!

How to call this

A British woman is sentenced to death for drug trafficking. Apparently her family had been threatened, so forcing her agreement to do this.

She has helped the police in every way since her detention, to no avail. But now, four cops in shariah-infested Aceh, have conducted a brutal rape where the victim was drugged, and all the sentence they may get is a maximum of caning.

Also a politician's son kills 2 people but no-on3e is seriously holding him responsible.

How to call this???

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Recipe for intolerance and persecution.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for the nation not to ignore the voice of minorities in what he insisted was a multicultural democracy.

He called on all Indonesians to accept differences, including fundamental ones in religion, race and ethnicity.

“The views and aspirations of the (Muslims) majority indeed have to be accepted....

 Well, that in itself is a recipe for intolerance and persecution.


Human rights watchdog Amnesty International is calling on the Indonesian government to end its discrimination against the Shiite Muslim minority in Madura, East Java, and guarantee the community a safe return to their homes.  

“The Indonesian authorities must guarantee the safe, voluntary and dignified return of the Shia community to their homes, according to their wishes, and help them to rebuild the homes that were damaged or destroyed,” said Isabelle Arradon of Amnesty International’s Asia Pacific Program.

There couldn't be a sharper contrast between Amnesty's call and SBY's lame appeal to listen to Indonesia's minorities.

Failed State

“Egypt is on the list of failed states,” and the Arab world is “a collection of failed states who ADD NOTHING TO HUMANITY OR SCIENCE” because “people were taught not to think or to act, and were consistently given an inferior education.”

- Mohammed El Baradei, NY Times, February 10, 2011

He sums it up so well!!!


Recent new failed states members: Tunisia & Syria.

How long will it take for Indonesia to become another failed state?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hijab protects from sexual assault

A Pakistani man in Australia had the audacity to say in court that his 14 year old rape victims had no right to say that they were raped because they did not wear hijab.

and here

AN Afghan soldier was detained by police after being caught having sex with a donkey in southeastern Afghanistan, a police officer said today.
The soldier was discovered with the donkey in an abandoned house in a small village of Gardez, the capital of Paktia province, last week, a local police officer said.

Does the donkey didn't wear a hijab too??

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are Bananas Halal Then?

Iran's Supreme Court revoked the death sentence of a university professor convicted of blasphemy for a speech in which he declared that Muslims were "not monkeys." 

 However, the defendant's lawyer said his client would likely remain in prison for his conviction on charges of spreading lies. 

So, as a matter of Iranian law, denying that Muslims are monkeys is not blasphemous but merely dishonest.

I'm glad that's been sorted.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

A deadly virus

Today's Headline:

KPK Detains Ex-Health Ministry Director in Bird Flu Vaccine Case

This is only one step above stealing Hadj funds. Both are just about as low as one can get. One steals from the religious following one of the 5 major pillars of their faith and the other steal the ability to treat the sick.

There seems to be a total disconnect between people in government positions and the actual people they are supposed to be serving. There is no conscience nor compassion for those who are adversely affected by their actions. It is a total lack of empathy with anyone outside their family circle.

I am quite sure that these people do not even think that what they have done is wrong. They will believe they are entitled to it because they are in official positions, "serve" the country and do not get paid enough plus of course everybody does it.

They even go to Friday prayers and pray for forgiveness believing that in the end their god will forgive when a true act of contrition is presented at the end of their lives.

A deadly virus that runs so very deep.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Ask the Imam

Ask the Imam.com (your on-line fatwa resource), attempts (somewhat unsatisfactorily to my thinking) to answer a question undoubtedly plaguing Muslims everywhere -- can I roger the little woman with a dildo?
Q: Is use of sex toys like dildo on private parts of wife and husband permissible in Islam? A: The use of sexual toys to enhance foreplay is permissible on condition that these toys do not cause any harm or contain any forbidden ingredients. Similarly, these toys should not be inserted into the female private part, except in the case of dire necessity.
I understand that the pork sausage is out of the question, but I'm a little unclear on this 'dire necessity' concept. Obviously, one wouldn't want to insert anything gratuitously, but who gets to decide when its necessary, me or her? If she threatens to cut-off conjugal relations unless I give her the business end of the John Holmes Limited Edition, that clearly counts. But what if she's merely hollaring "stick it in me and make me scream you big jihadi stud you"?
I was going to e-mail my questions to the Imam himself but, unfortunately, further investigation casts doubt upon whether he can offer any true enlightenment. I'm beginning to have my suspicions regarding his relevant expertise. For example:
Q: Is it ok to masturbate wife. If she gets climax during masturbation does she hove to take a bath? A: If the wife reaches orgasm and releases semen, then only is [a bath] compulsory upon her?
Mufti, if his wife releases semen upon orgasm, a trip to the shower is the least of his worries.
All I can say is thank God I was born Catholic and not some religion filled with guilt, superstition and sexual repression.

Being an Atheist

Atheists have nothing to defend. They simply do not believe in the existence of a god or any supernatural power effecting their life and the world around them. Simple as that. It is your inability to perceive a concept of that nature that makes you what you are. Locked in a fantasy and enslaved by the fictitious nonsense of men bent on controlling the masses through fear.

They have no fear of death as there is no heaven nor hell. They have no fear of being punished for how they conduct their interaction with other human beings as long as it is not destructive. And they are free to experience the magnitude of the human spirit and the magnificence of the world unhindered by twisted men spewing out venom and fear at all that is good in human condition. They free of delusions created by men from the desert that sought to subjugate all around them.

Agnostic.. ha ha not chance. Life is far too good without screwing it up with belief in a god.

This was taken from a friend of me an "Atheists" I don't want to mention his name as Atheism isn't allowed in Indonesia, even he could get prosecuted for being an Atheist.

Islam can't take criticism

Islam can't take criticism - and more importantly - can't allow self reflection and self criticism, because in the 12th century it 'closed the Gates of Reason'. Prior to this, Islam used Greek philosophy and other insights to interpret itself, but during a long and sometimes violent internal struggle between various Islamic 'theological schools of thought' from the 9 - 12 centuries, this scholarship and dialogue was eventually forbidden. Hence Islam is now in a cult-de-sac of it's own making.

In 2004 in Lebanon, an Islamic scholar in one of the universities was explaining to his students about the possible development of both Islam and the Koran from an historic, political and literary perspective. Because this did not tally with popular Islamic fundamentalist thought, some of the students rushed him and literally threw him out the window. This kind of thing is not an isolated incident and is symptomatic of the problems facing Islam. A closed system of thought?