Saturday, November 16, 2013

Democracy hijacked by criminals

Farce in Constitutional Court as Maluku Ruling Turns to Riot

The results of rampant corruption allowed to fester and thrive under 9 years of the Democratic party. A party who won the election on promises to fight corruption. 

The seriousness of this incident has wide ranging repercussions that virtually signal the death knell for the judiciary of this country and the credibility of the Administration.

Who won any of the elections from the presidential to the village chief? Nobody can be assured of anything now. The local courts, the high court, the supreme court and now the constitutional courts all in ruins and infested with corruption and total lack of any credibility. Any electoral dispute taken to the Constitutional court is now virtually void but there is nothing that can be done as there is no possibility for appeal or revocation of the rulings. So when Megawatti contested the results of the last election how do we know that she was not correct? 

Does anyone wonder why the citizens turn to Islam? It is the only societal option that offers any stability. This then plays into the hands of extremists and those that wish to institute Shariah Law. 

This is not an incident that can be swept under the carpet. The government will of course try, the Lame duck will include it in the last pages of his pathetic and egotistical memoirs and will continue to sing while the country burns. 

The tension is rising and the people are showing that respect for the law has hit it's lowest point. Is this what people fought for in 1998? Rampant corruption, incompetence in government, total lack of respect for the police/judiciary and overall a collapse of democracy.

This is what happens when democracy is highjacked by criminals.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The most tolerant country??

A brief timeline of attacks on Ahmadiyah in West Java and Banten
Oct. 25, 2002: The At-Taqwa and Al-Hidayah mosques in Kuningan, West Java, are destroyed by a mob.

2005: A mob attacks an Ahmadiyah village in Neglasari, Cianjur, West Java, damaging three mosques and several homes.

Aug. 19, 2005: The Istiqomah mosque in Sedasari village. Majalengka, West Java, is sealed by the local government following an edict from the from Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) banning the Ahmadiyah.

2008: The joint ministerial decree banning Ahmadiyah from spreading their beliefs is signed.

2008: The Al Furqon mosque and the Ahmadiyah Islamic school are set ablaze in Parakan Salak, Sukabumi, West Java.

July 27, 2010: The Kuningan Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) seal one mosque and several smaller houses of worship in an anti-Ahmadiyah crackdown.

Oct. 10, 2010: An Ahamdiyah mosque and boarding school are torched by local residents in Cisalada, Bogor, West Java.

December 2010: Members of a local Islamic boarding school rampage through an Ahmadiyah community, destroying a mosque in Warnasari village, Sukabumi.

Feb. 6, 2011: Three Ahamdiyah members were brutally killed in a mob attack in Cikeusik, Banten, by men shouting “God is great” and “Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill Ahmadiyah!” Video of the attack was posted to YouTube, sparking international condemnation and calls for harsh penalties for those involved.

April 2011: Government officials seal the Al-Mubarok mosque in Sindang Barang, Bogor.

July 2011: The Serang District Court sentences 12 people to six months in jail for igniting a conflict that resulted in someone’s death over their roles in the Cikeusik killings. The verdict was called a failure of Indonesia by Ahmadiyah members.

August 2011: Deden Sujana, an Ahmadiyah member from Cikeusik, is jailed for six months for refusing a police order to leave his home the mob killings.

Feb. 2012: Nurhidayah mosque, in Cipeuyeum village, Cianjur, West Java, is destroyed by local residents.

April 2012: Baitul Rahim mosque in Cipakat village, Tasikmalaya, is sealed by local residents.

April 2012: A mob ransack an Ahmadiyah mosque in Singaparna, West Java, hurling Molotov cocktails at the building.

March 2013: The Bekasi Satpol PP seals the Al-Misbah mosque in Pondok Gede, Bekasi, West Java, locking several Ahamdiyah members inside.

July 2013: An-Nasir mosque, in Neglasari, is shuttered by local ulema.

October 2013:  Hard-line Islamists shuttered an Ahmadiyah mosque after reportedly threatening to burn it down
July 2013: we will not tolerate... blah blah blah.
Time to prove you are not a liar Mr president

Monday, May 27, 2013

Social responsibility

Democracy is a shared responsibility and there cannot be any democracy without societal responsibility. Indonesia is still a long way from calling itself a democratic country or democratic society. Most people do not even understand what democracy means. Some cannot even tell the difference between democracy and anarchy.

In my humble opinion, intolerance (and violence associated therewith) will continue to plague Indonesia so long there is no clear separation between government and religion. Let's face it, Indonesia implements Pancasila as its state ideology and the constitution whereby both embraces freedom of religion. Yet there is a Ministry of Religion (which is an oxymoron). Granted inside the ministry 'some religions' are represented however, in reality it is a sham as it is hijacked by Islam. The government through the ministry of religion spends hard-earned tax money to print Qurans. I wonder if any funds are also available for printing the Bibles. Inter-faith marriages must go through the ministry of religion meaning the government through the Court of Religion (again a violation of Pancasila and the constitution) and the government has conveniently closes its eyes when tax-funded schools are forcing their students to wear Islamic garbs. Further, the ministry of education, another tax-funded institution, is promoting Islam in its curriculum (another violation of Pancasila and the constitution).

As to the implementation of Pancasila and the Constitution, most government officials under SBY are either ignorant or simply ignoring these basic tenets. The Aceh government is requiring its representatives to be able to read and recite Quranic verses (most of them failed anyway), decisions from the supreme courts are conveniently ignored as evidenced by the closure of some Christian churches although the ruling from the supreme court has been in favor of those churches. Local government officials apparently cajoled hard-liners to garner votes while ignoring the facts that their utmost duty is to uphold the laws and to defend the constitution. Then there is Council of Ulama (supposedly a nonb-profit, religion-based organization) that work together with the ministry of religion, ministry of health, etc. to sell 'halal stamps'. In reality, they are strong-arm eating and drinking establishments and F&B (Food and Beverage) companies to put the 'halal' logo on their products and thereby paying the MUI for such a stamp. Clearly, this is a business by hiding behind the ministries and the religion. Even if the 'halal' stamp is to be implemented based on free-will it is still a farce since the council has no laboratory to determine whether or not the products are actually halal. It is a complete sham and mafia-style pressure on the economy.

Should outsiders be involved? I wonder who would be considered outsiders? What about Indonesian Diaspora members? Would they be considered outsiders? What about former Indonesian citizens or even the citizens of Indonesia residing abroad who have better understanding of what democracy means. Would they also be considered outsiders? Robert Kennedy once asked his brother, John, prior to the latter running for president. "If not now, WHEN? If not you, WHO? It is obvious SBY has been silent and mute in regard to the religious intolerance (and violence) in Indonesia. Thus, ALL who cares about Indonesia and democracy in Indonesia must speak out. Otherwise, some day we will regret for not doing anything. Edmund Burke once said 'Evil can only triumph when good people see evil and decide to do nothing' while Pastor Niemoller once said 'we do not speak out when injustices fall on others ... and one day there is no one left to speak out for us). So, there is no outsider! No man is an island and borrowing the phrase from Hillary Clinton, we are all members of the Global Village. As such, we must care about each other, regardless of the geo-political designations, the skin colors, religions or other attributes. After all, free countries throughout the world, including Indonesia, are so inter-dependent and interwoven.

Back to the notion that Democracy is a shared responsibility, I aspire that members of the so-called Indonesia democracy, should join hands and reject anything deemed undemocratic. Sadly, only a few has done so. While many are expressing their criticism, only a few is willing to challenge the establishment. Democracy is not a top-down ideology and the strongest democracy is the one rooting deeply in the society. Yet, democracy has a price. Those aspiring democracy must be willing to pay that price. Martin Luther King, Jr. paid with his life. Mahatma Gandhi paid his due. Would the champions of democracy from Indonesia please step forward! All it takes is some people who truly care about democracy to do so and I am sure the (currently shy) support will come forward in droves. The time is now before Indonesia falls further into the dark ages and darkness. Regardless of what other countries think and say, democracy is a shared responsibility and the brunt is on the shoulders of the Indonesians who care.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The logic of the fiery monotheists is quite straight forward if you believe that your God is the one true God and all others are false idols. 

It runs like this: those who persecute Muslims deserve to die (see Myanmar) and those who are persecuted by Muslims deserve to die (see Indonesia). 

Those who haven't had their minds poisoned by violence rightly see such a doctrine as the absolute, insane antithesis of tolerance. But the question is, do they do anything about it? 

Recently I read something to the effect that tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush is like tarring all Christians with the KKK brush in the US. Well of course this is true. There are millions upon millions of peaceful Muslims all over the world. Ask yourself this t
though...where are the KKK now? They are in the dustbin of history, and why? Because people (whites included) fought and died for civil rights. 

Of course the US is not a racial paradise but it civilized itself (internally at least, foreign policy is another question) through struggle and blood and this was achieved through a doctrine of non-violence. And here? Well, who will stand up and fight for justice? It'll take real bravery, make no mistake.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Only in Aceh, things are so out of human normality. Never wish for the rest of Nusantara copying what Aceh sickening minded has.

Wonder why every time I hear the word "Aceh" , I have always goose bumps.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Please don't twist the facts

The early Muslims produced great mathematicians and scientists, scholars, physicians and astronomers etc. and they excelled in all the fields of knowledge of their times, besides studying and practicing their own religion of Islam. As a result the Muslims were able to develop and extract wealth from their lands and through their world trade, able to strengthen their defenses, protect their people and give them the Islamic way of life, Addin, as prescribed by Islam. At the time the Europeans of the Middle Ages were still superstitious and backward, the enlightened Muslims had already built a great Muslim civilization, respected and powerful, more than able to compete with the rest of the world and able to protect the ummah from foreign aggression. The Europeans had to kneel at the feet of Muslim scholars in order to access their own scholastic heritage. 

But halfway through the building of the great Islamic civilization came new interpreters of Islam who taught that acquisition of knowledge by Muslims meant only the study of Islamic theology. The study of science, medicine etc. was discouraged.

Intellectually the Muslims began to regress. With intellectual regression the great Muslim civilization began to falter and wither. But for the emergence of the Ottoman warriors, Muslim civilization would have disappeared with the fall of Granada in 1492.

The early successes of the Ottomans were not accompanied by an intellectual renaissance. Instead they became more and more preoccupied with minor issues such as whether tight trousers and peak caps were Islamic, whether printing machines should be allowed or electricity used to light mosques. The Industrial Revolution was totally missed by the Muslims. 

Nowadays the Muslims are providing the perfect example of the way of thinking responsible for the poverty, repression and strife endemic to the Islamic world.

They speak about the "humiliation and oppression" suffered by Muslims at the hands of non-Muslims and the need for Muslims to "regain their dignity." The inability to accept responsibility and the need to see every set-back and frustration as an affront to honor inflicted by Islam's perceived enemies is pervasive, juvenile and crippling. In an individual it would be symptomatic of pathological insecurity.

Yet where in the non-Islamic world to Muslims face the discrimination experienced by non-Muslims in Islamic countries? If Muslims find themselves condemned as terrorists, perhaps it is because so many of them have embarked upon killing innocents in the name of their God. And if, throughout the world, they find themselves unable to live peaceably with their non-Islamic neighbors, perhaps the fault lies within.

The primary enemy is, of course, "the Jews." Antisemitism has become part and parcel of Islam and entirely ignores the fact that the Arab-Israeli conflict continues to exist, not because of Jewish designs upon Islamic lands, but because a substantial majority of Muslims aspire to the eradication of the Jewish state. But the Jews are not the only enemies of Islam, in the eyes of the mainstream Muslims, Islam's enemies include pretty much the whole non-Islamic world, or at least those parts of it that have to misfortune to abut or interact with the ummah. 

Their insistence on identifying plots and conspiracies and enemies, their excusing of Muslim aggression as defense, is a manifestation of the disease that consigns Islamic society to the world's sickbed. In nearly every instance, Muslims could peaceable co-exist with their neighbors were they to resolve to live peaceably. 

Sadly, live-and-let-live, is not an tenet of Islam. That the most Muslims are not able to understand this, does not bode well for the future.


The evolution where Indonesia is heading depends on the political program of the 2014 government, if , they continue the SBY way of rule, Indonesia, I think will not become a prosperous nation.

The core of the problem lie in the so called the islamination of knowledge. The Sharia is not based on liberalism, secularization & pluralism. The radicalization begin with the rejection of ALL moral, theories, not written in the Sharia. Which science are on offer in the Quran , I do not know. As whatever science are on offer in the Bible, excepting moral guidance, I honestly don't see a scientific program in the Bible either.

Does the devout Muslim community dare to reform, to study the western secular science ?? If the devout Muslim do not want the sciencefication of Islam, to accept, to objectify the other theory or view, but devoutly believing only the words as written by Prophet Mohammed or the Quran,then whatever , knowledge, moral,there are to be taken to form the integration/ the acceptance, all will be in vain.

We specifically refer to the younger generation to hopefully form a more liberal Islam, these are the youth that are probably willing to cross over from the traditional Islam to more accepting the contemporary issues such as, The Equal right of WOMEN, a non-Muslim human right and a cross religion integration.

There is No liberalism in the filthy rich Saudia Arabia.

Monday, May 06, 2013

You just cannot make this up

"Short of Pilots, Government Turns To Civil Servants to Fill Gap"

1 year ago
1. We don't want foreign pilots they take our jobs, steal our women and get better T&C
2. We have too many officials, 80% of regional budgets go on salaries and perks, leaving not much for parties or even public services like roads or schools – moratorium on hiring, borrow money from ADB to fund govt services (hidden state debt)

10 months ago
We will sack all foreign pilots and establish a training school
Still recruiting govt officials, still borrowing, 100 pilots to be available by year end.
Last month
We are building a school and it will be online in 2015
Still recruiting officials, no pilots yet

We have not got enough pilots and yes!! we are still recruiting for govt officials :)
and no trained pilots ….
You just cannot make this up

Did you know the govt set aside $20 million for the training school. I wonder where it is?
Personally I envisage a lot of Indonesian aircraft smacking into mountains and plunging into the sea in the future.

From now on compulsory item to take on board.
S.A.S survival handbook.
A rubber inflatable dinghy.
A compass.
A parachute to bail out, if possible.
Triple your life insurance.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Islam the foreign Influence

Indonesia is a complete embarrassment on the international stage.

Thanks to a few Indonesians who have studied or lived in the Middle East. Some brought back a virulent form of Islam.

 Do the local radicals believe that their foreign Arab fundamentalist friends care about the culture of Indonesia and pluralism as an Indonesian way of life that has been the essential element of peace for decades??

Their sole purpose is to destroy peace, impose their twisted ideology in order to change the landscape of this nation to become more intolerant.

For some confused locals, Islam may be regarded as a culture therefore the Arabic style of dress is becoming more visible. Nonetheless, it is a form of colonization far worse than the previous one that has colonized Indonesia over 350 years.

Aceh Shariah Law violates Pancasila

The Indonesian government must acknowledge that they are guilty of crimes against Humanity by allowing Aceh to continue making illegal laws.

Article 28A
Every person shall have the right to live and to defend his/her life and existence.

Article 28B
(2) Every child shall have the right from violence and discrimination.

Article 28E
(2) Every person shall have the right to the freedom to believe his/her faith and to
express his/her views and thoughts, in accordance with his/her conscience.

Article 28G
(1) Every person shall have the right to protection of his/herself, family, honor, dignity and
property, and shall have the right to feel secure against and receive protection from the threat of fear to do or not do something that is a human right.

(2) Every person shall have the right to be free from...inhumane and degrading treatment.
Article 29

(2) The State guarantees all persons the freedom of worship, each according to his/her own
religion or belief.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Islam is not a culture, it is a religion

The average young Indonesians cannot differentiate between Islam as a religion and the Arabic culture as a culture of its own and vice versa.

The rich Indonesian culture dated back way before Islam was even born in the Arabian peninsula.

So why would the innocent young Indonesians be easily manipulated by religious fundamentalists to adopt otherwise a culture so foreign to the average Indonesians.

The younger generation has no room to be ashamed of the rich Indonesian culture brought forward by their forefathers. Islam is not a culture, it is a religion.

It looks like the fanatics are trying to persuade the young innocent Indonesians that the influence of Western culture in this day and age is downright haram. Then how come ignorant Muslims are killing each other in the name of what....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Boring Paradise

I find it odd that Islam is a religion that is so opposed to sex, alcohol in this life -

Yet in 'paradise' the reward is unlimited sex with perpetual virgins and boys, alcohol that does not make you drunk and non stop food.

But you never see God or experience judgement.

Mmmmmmm! sound very boring to me - almost a 'man made' version of 'paradise'. Well, if that's 'paradise/heaven' - I don't want to go there. It sounds boring to me.

Besides it sounds too much like something the ancient Greeks said. "What do the gods do when they want to destroy a man? They give him all the pleasure he wants."

But then again, Greek philosophy and the use of reason is something the Muslims made sure they rejected.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Indonesia's New Criminal Code

Indonesia gets a truly great revised Criminal Code. I like especially the part about black magic and any other kind of witchcraft (only if it can be proven ot be a fact of course) which indeed should be severely prosecuted but also that white magic is seen as a legal activity. Apart of course of controlling other serious social and moral troubles as for example cohabiting couples and their dirty offspring (truly disgusting isn't it?)

The government is screwing up Soekarno's splendid vision of Pancasila, turning it into a distorted religious manifesto.
The same as they screwed up religious freedom by mandating that you MUST belong to one of only 6 religions.

When will this country's so-called 'leaders' understand that mandating morality to conform with their primitive views will not only never work, but is the hallmark of all autocratic theocracies?

I think it's an important and major step forward into the 7th century (oops ... I meant to write 21st century but somehow something's wrong there).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

New Muslim mob rule?

A church got smashed up by the FPI, The pastor got arrested while not one of the FPI members got touched by the Police and a Youtube Video about this incident has been removed due to 'shocking or disgusting content' - Says it all really.

This video was proof of the disgusting Muslim mob rule that is extending across the archipelago.

Indonesia is going to become a VERY dangerous place.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Democracy nearly dead

Indonesia is moving towards a theocratic Muslim state. Democracy is nearly dead - even before it had a chance to live. Why?

Because the majority of people in Indonesia are Muslims - they belong to a totalitarian religion.

Indonesia will soon become another failed Muslim state under an oppressive regime.

It would be interesting to ask SBY if he really believes democracy is suitable for Indonesians. Or ask any other politicians. I am convinced they nearly all have reservations.

The bottom line is this - you have here a society based on submission. What you need is a society based on partnership - which implies equality and respect for human rights based on natural law.

Not much chance of that in Indonesia sadly.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inhuman behavior 'in the name of God'

Most question addressed to the Muslim community are secondary questions. THE question that needs to be put before Muslims is this: Did God really reveal to the Prophet his directive to use violence against those who do not accept Islam?

Or was this simply politically expediency on the part of those who - over generations - formulated the Koran in the final form we have it today - dating from the 9th Century?

SOME Muslim scholars ARE asking this question - one did recently in Lebabon (2004) and his students threw him out the window. For blasphemy of course!

Muslims are violent because their book allows them to be violent. But who wrote the book?

The convenient answer is that the Angel Gabriel 'revealed' it to the prophet.

Well, it's a convenient story and excuses all kinds of inhuman behavior 'in the name of God' and allows people to 'righteously' deal with 'infidels'. And to do so - you simply put reason aside.

Muslims need to be asked some awkward questions. For Islam's sake.

STOP romanticising Arabs

Indonesian Muslims as a whole should STOP romanticising Arabs and get with the facts that it is the Arabs and not Israelis who are disrespecting and harming their countrymen, and do something about it! 

Just because the Prophet Muhammad was an Arab doesn't mean his fellow Arabs are angels and deserve to be put on a pedestal and worship! 

In fact their behavior should be even MORE scrutinised! And if they do scrutinise at all, chances are they will realize that today's Arabs fall way too short of Qua-ran standards of good behavior!

How to call this

A British woman is sentenced to death for drug trafficking. Apparently her family had been threatened, so forcing her agreement to do this.

She has helped the police in every way since her detention, to no avail. But now, four cops in shariah-infested Aceh, have conducted a brutal rape where the victim was drugged, and all the sentence they may get is a maximum of caning.

Also a politician's son kills 2 people but no-on3e is seriously holding him responsible.

How to call this???

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Recipe for intolerance and persecution.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has called for the nation not to ignore the voice of minorities in what he insisted was a multicultural democracy.

He called on all Indonesians to accept differences, including fundamental ones in religion, race and ethnicity.

“The views and aspirations of the (Muslims) majority indeed have to be accepted....

 Well, that in itself is a recipe for intolerance and persecution.


Human rights watchdog Amnesty International is calling on the Indonesian government to end its discrimination against the Shiite Muslim minority in Madura, East Java, and guarantee the community a safe return to their homes.  

“The Indonesian authorities must guarantee the safe, voluntary and dignified return of the Shia community to their homes, according to their wishes, and help them to rebuild the homes that were damaged or destroyed,” said Isabelle Arradon of Amnesty International’s Asia Pacific Program.

There couldn't be a sharper contrast between Amnesty's call and SBY's lame appeal to listen to Indonesia's minorities.

Failed State

“Egypt is on the list of failed states,” and the Arab world is “a collection of failed states who ADD NOTHING TO HUMANITY OR SCIENCE” because “people were taught not to think or to act, and were consistently given an inferior education.”

- Mohammed El Baradei, NY Times, February 10, 2011

He sums it up so well!!!


Recent new failed states members: Tunisia & Syria.

How long will it take for Indonesia to become another failed state?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Hijab protects from sexual assault

A Pakistani man in Australia had the audacity to say in court that his 14 year old rape victims had no right to say that they were raped because they did not wear hijab.

and here

AN Afghan soldier was detained by police after being caught having sex with a donkey in southeastern Afghanistan, a police officer said today.
The soldier was discovered with the donkey in an abandoned house in a small village of Gardez, the capital of Paktia province, last week, a local police officer said.

Does the donkey didn't wear a hijab too??

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are Bananas Halal Then?

Iran's Supreme Court revoked the death sentence of a university professor convicted of blasphemy for a speech in which he declared that Muslims were "not monkeys." 

 However, the defendant's lawyer said his client would likely remain in prison for his conviction on charges of spreading lies. 

So, as a matter of Iranian law, denying that Muslims are monkeys is not blasphemous but merely dishonest.

I'm glad that's been sorted.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

A deadly virus

Today's Headline:

KPK Detains Ex-Health Ministry Director in Bird Flu Vaccine Case

This is only one step above stealing Hadj funds. Both are just about as low as one can get. One steals from the religious following one of the 5 major pillars of their faith and the other steal the ability to treat the sick.

There seems to be a total disconnect between people in government positions and the actual people they are supposed to be serving. There is no conscience nor compassion for those who are adversely affected by their actions. It is a total lack of empathy with anyone outside their family circle.

I am quite sure that these people do not even think that what they have done is wrong. They will believe they are entitled to it because they are in official positions, "serve" the country and do not get paid enough plus of course everybody does it.

They even go to Friday prayers and pray for forgiveness believing that in the end their god will forgive when a true act of contrition is presented at the end of their lives.

A deadly virus that runs so very deep.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Ask the Imam

Ask the (your on-line fatwa resource), attempts (somewhat unsatisfactorily to my thinking) to answer a question undoubtedly plaguing Muslims everywhere -- can I roger the little woman with a dildo?
Q: Is use of sex toys like dildo on private parts of wife and husband permissible in Islam? A: The use of sexual toys to enhance foreplay is permissible on condition that these toys do not cause any harm or contain any forbidden ingredients. Similarly, these toys should not be inserted into the female private part, except in the case of dire necessity.
I understand that the pork sausage is out of the question, but I'm a little unclear on this 'dire necessity' concept. Obviously, one wouldn't want to insert anything gratuitously, but who gets to decide when its necessary, me or her? If she threatens to cut-off conjugal relations unless I give her the business end of the John Holmes Limited Edition, that clearly counts. But what if she's merely hollaring "stick it in me and make me scream you big jihadi stud you"?
I was going to e-mail my questions to the Imam himself but, unfortunately, further investigation casts doubt upon whether he can offer any true enlightenment. I'm beginning to have my suspicions regarding his relevant expertise. For example:
Q: Is it ok to masturbate wife. If she gets climax during masturbation does she hove to take a bath? A: If the wife reaches orgasm and releases semen, then only is [a bath] compulsory upon her?
Mufti, if his wife releases semen upon orgasm, a trip to the shower is the least of his worries.
All I can say is thank God I was born Catholic and not some religion filled with guilt, superstition and sexual repression.

Being an Atheist

Atheists have nothing to defend. They simply do not believe in the existence of a god or any supernatural power effecting their life and the world around them. Simple as that. It is your inability to perceive a concept of that nature that makes you what you are. Locked in a fantasy and enslaved by the fictitious nonsense of men bent on controlling the masses through fear.

They have no fear of death as there is no heaven nor hell. They have no fear of being punished for how they conduct their interaction with other human beings as long as it is not destructive. And they are free to experience the magnitude of the human spirit and the magnificence of the world unhindered by twisted men spewing out venom and fear at all that is good in human condition. They free of delusions created by men from the desert that sought to subjugate all around them.

Agnostic.. ha ha not chance. Life is far too good without screwing it up with belief in a god.

This was taken from a friend of me an "Atheists" I don't want to mention his name as Atheism isn't allowed in Indonesia, even he could get prosecuted for being an Atheist.

Islam can't take criticism

Islam can't take criticism - and more importantly - can't allow self reflection and self criticism, because in the 12th century it 'closed the Gates of Reason'. Prior to this, Islam used Greek philosophy and other insights to interpret itself, but during a long and sometimes violent internal struggle between various Islamic 'theological schools of thought' from the 9 - 12 centuries, this scholarship and dialogue was eventually forbidden. Hence Islam is now in a cult-de-sac of it's own making.

In 2004 in Lebanon, an Islamic scholar in one of the universities was explaining to his students about the possible development of both Islam and the Koran from an historic, political and literary perspective. Because this did not tally with popular Islamic fundamentalist thought, some of the students rushed him and literally threw him out the window. This kind of thing is not an isolated incident and is symptomatic of the problems facing Islam. A closed system of thought?