Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Inhuman behavior 'in the name of God'

Most question addressed to the Muslim community are secondary questions. THE question that needs to be put before Muslims is this: Did God really reveal to the Prophet his directive to use violence against those who do not accept Islam?

Or was this simply politically expediency on the part of those who - over generations - formulated the Koran in the final form we have it today - dating from the 9th Century?

SOME Muslim scholars ARE asking this question - one did recently in Lebabon (2004) and his students threw him out the window. For blasphemy of course!

Muslims are violent because their book allows them to be violent. But who wrote the book?

The convenient answer is that the Angel Gabriel 'revealed' it to the prophet.

Well, it's a convenient story and excuses all kinds of inhuman behavior 'in the name of God' and allows people to 'righteously' deal with 'infidels'. And to do so - you simply put reason aside.

Muslims need to be asked some awkward questions. For Islam's sake.

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