Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Ask the Imam

Ask the Imam.com (your on-line fatwa resource), attempts (somewhat unsatisfactorily to my thinking) to answer a question undoubtedly plaguing Muslims everywhere -- can I roger the little woman with a dildo?
Q: Is use of sex toys like dildo on private parts of wife and husband permissible in Islam? A: The use of sexual toys to enhance foreplay is permissible on condition that these toys do not cause any harm or contain any forbidden ingredients. Similarly, these toys should not be inserted into the female private part, except in the case of dire necessity.
I understand that the pork sausage is out of the question, but I'm a little unclear on this 'dire necessity' concept. Obviously, one wouldn't want to insert anything gratuitously, but who gets to decide when its necessary, me or her? If she threatens to cut-off conjugal relations unless I give her the business end of the John Holmes Limited Edition, that clearly counts. But what if she's merely hollaring "stick it in me and make me scream you big jihadi stud you"?
I was going to e-mail my questions to the Imam himself but, unfortunately, further investigation casts doubt upon whether he can offer any true enlightenment. I'm beginning to have my suspicions regarding his relevant expertise. For example:
Q: Is it ok to masturbate wife. If she gets climax during masturbation does she hove to take a bath? A: If the wife reaches orgasm and releases semen, then only is [a bath] compulsory upon her?
Mufti, if his wife releases semen upon orgasm, a trip to the shower is the least of his worries.
All I can say is thank God I was born Catholic and not some religion filled with guilt, superstition and sexual repression.